Job Search Resources

By Scarlet Data Studio

February 5, 2022

Use these self-study resources to find a job or internship.

We want to help you succeed in your job or internship search! That is why Scarlet Data Studio has a special model: we do not select interns until the end of the semester. Instead, we provide resources to help you find a role that fits your interests.

If your search is successful, you can get an offer from another organization even before the semester ends! And if despite all your efforts you are not able to get another internship, you will still have a chance to join Scarlet Data Studio.

Getting Started

Bookmark this page so you can come back to it while you work on your job search.

If you are interested in software engineering, apply to the Scarlet Data Studio internship!

When you submit your application, we will email you your own job search progress tracker, a spreadsheet that will help you search for other opportunities.


There are six main milestones in your job search:

  1. Networking with people in the industry
  2. Finding relevant roles
  3. Revising your resume
  4. Applying to roles
  5. Interviewing for roles
  6. Negotiating offers for roles

As you reach each milestone, you can check them off in your progress tracker spreadsheet.

The goal of your job search is to get an offer, preferably multiple offers, so that you can negotiate.

Most students fall into one of two groups:

  • Group 1: Applying to roles, but not getting invited for interviews
  • Group 2: Interviewing for roles, but not getting offers

If you are in group 1, your goal is to get your first interview or get interviews more often. You can accomplish that by focusing on these job search skills:

If you are in group 2, your goal is to pass your interviews so you can secure offers. Most likely, the roles you are finding and your resume are good, so you should focus on interview preparation:

Other Resources

Here are helpful links from around the web to help you learn more:

Career Development

Software Engineering

Thanks for reading.